VB Popup Calendar Example Don Schueler ****** NOTICE ABOUT MAKING COPIES ******* Feel free to copy or modify the program. All I ask is if you make improvements please place them on Compuserve for all to use, especially if someone takes the time to create a VB Calendar control or a DLL. Another enhancement would be to pass the initial date value and popup on that date. ***************************************** This program is a short example of a small popup calendar. The intended use is to popup the calendar in date fields and return the value to the field. A global variable called CallerDateField is set with the DATESERIAL for the selected date. It is up to the developer then to format the date as they wish. The calendar form has 12 buttons so the user can go to a given month with a single click. Hidden outside of the sized border area is a horizontal scroll bar that also allows moving through months. Also, there are some text labels for months and years. I left these in the form in case you want to re-style the calendar. This was a spare time effort on my part to learn more aboutVB, I hope it will give a starting point to someone to evolve it even more. This program is provided as is, with no warranties provided or implied. Good Luck. Comments should be sent on Compuserve ONLY. Don Schueler INTERSOLV, Inc. 76337,3115